Honda FL400R Pilot

1989 and 1990 FL400R Honda Pilot FL400R ATV Parts and Accessories

The shop manual is discontinued, but here is one that can be downloaded. This version is text searchable: Honda FL400R Pilot Shop Manual

The Honda FL400R Pilot was manufactured in 1989 and 1990. Some states titled ATVs based on the year sold, not year manufactured. So there are Pilot titles out there that say 1991 and 1992. FL400R is the official designation. Since the FL250 did not have the R or maybe just for brevity, it is more often referred to as an FL400. It is often referred to as a ATV, go-kart, dune buggy, mini buggy or just buggy. ATV, All Terrain Vehicle, would be a fair description. However, many people think of an ATV as something you ride on rather than ride in. As such many owners do not refer to it as an ATV. People who own them rarely refer to them as a go-kart. The primary reason is that go kart often inspires thoughts of something with no suspension and a heavy low power industrial engine. The FL400 Pilot has four wheel independent suspension. It has both front and rear brakes where go-karts typically only have rear. It has a forward neutral reverse gearbox and continuously variable transmission as well as many other features not normally found in the typical go-kart. The term go-kart is somewhat offensive to the owners so should not be used. Dune buggy to those who have them would normally mean a Volkswagen Beetle modified for driving on sand dunes. A closer description in that context would be sand rail which means tubular frame and no body or just panels. Most people outside the sport don't know the term sand rail so it resorts back to dune buggy to describe one. Since the Pilot is not strictly for sand, the term dune does not apply. Although it may not be the most appropriate, the term buggy seems to be the best description for people who do not know what it is.

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